; health corner: 2010


Taking low dose of aspirin can reduce the possibility of having cancer diseases such as colon cancer.base on  the new study release,the study recommended a low dose of aspirin as a baby or regular aspirin dose can keep an protect from cancer. But before taking aspirin you should consult to a doctor first.

  • US dose:  81 milligrams (BABY DOSE) and 325 milligrams (REGULAR DOSE)
  • EURO:     75 milligrams (BABY DOSE) and 300 milligrams (REGULAR DOSE)

 A family with the history of colon cancer should start taking aspirin to avoid the disease. Aspirin can also prevent from heart attacks and strokes.


A study release about alcohol which alcohol are more dangerous than drugs according to the study. The studis is all about how destructive they are to the individual who takes alcohol and drugs and to a society as a whole. Drugs,cocaine's,and other drugs are deadly but in the study shows alcohol outranked them as the dangerous and deadliest of all.Why?,alcohol can cause more diseases and can affect a mans behavior when already drunk and can cause such trouble,fights,arguments and  deaths.

But I didn't urges everyone to just take drugs because it is not deadly and it's just ok.No....no..no. I don't promote drugs,they are also deadly but in the study alcohol just outranked them base on the study of some expert.Those things are not good in health and it is deadly,the best way to do is to discipline,prevention and knowledge about alcohol,drugs and many more.The government and all people must aware of it.


                          COMPOUND THAT CAN FIGHT CANCERS

XANTHONE - An element that found in mangosteen fruits and they fight and reduce the risk of getting cancer.

GLUTATHIONE - the most potent agent that fight against cancer.

INDOLE 3 CARBINOL - Can combat cancers like the breast cancer.

SELENIUM - found in Garlic that can prevent from getting cancer.

BETA CAROTENE - This compound are rich in Vitamin A that ca protect cell nucleus from cancer.

VITAMIN C - can reduce cancer like the colon cancer.

VITAMIN D- Can also reduce the risk of colon cancer.

LYCOPENE - it can be found in tomatoes.

BETA- SITASEROL (SIT) - Found in legumes such as peanuts that can protect from cancer.

To avoid from getting cancer you should follow proper diet and avoid cancer by eating those foods that are rich of the compounds that can fight cancer.



PAPAYA - Papaya is rich in Vitamin C and E which are associated that can reduced the risk of colon cancer

GUYABANO- the guyabano fruit can kill cancer cells including the colon cancer cells. Guaybano prove that 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells then adriamycin. The Guyabano skin extract base on studies can only kills cancer cells and not the normal cells of the body when you take it.

MANGOSTEEN - The mangosteen has a compound called xanthones that can kill cancer cells.

GREEN AND UNRIPE MANGO- It contains vitamin C that can protect from several cancers like the colon cancer.

ASPARAGUS - Asparagus contains glutathione the bodies most potent agent against cancer.

TOMATOES - Tomato is rich in lycopene that can reduce the risk of getting cancer like the colon cancer,so you better it  a lot of tomatoes now to avoid cancers.


If you follow this tips and eat this healthy foods maybe you will keep away from colon cancer and we always remember that prevention is better than cure.


Warning for those fat woman's if you want to be pregy then first check your weight now,if your to fat right now you have a bigger risk to have a cesarean section,according to U.S study and also that's already proven that once a pregnant women is too fat the higher risk of cesarean is possible. The best advice once your pregnant right now control your food and hunger to something not nutritious food. Always stay in a proper diet as doctor advice.


Migraine is the most worst cases of headache of all time.The ache that's you feel is really hurts you a lot.Migraine can distract your daily activities were your jobs and relation to your family,but I had found out and read about how to relieve migraine.A researchers from Denmark's Odense University gave a woman who suffers migraine for 16 years a powdered ginger every time she felt the migraine,within 30 minutes her migraine totally gone.500-600 milligrams of powdered ginger is recommended.

15 Foods That Fight Breakouts

15 Foods That Fight Breakouts


Eating fish is healthy to our heart which contains unsaturated fats of fish,particularly the omega 3 fatty acids docosapenteonic acid (DHA) which helps to keep our heart healthy and functioning well.

Omega 3 which founds in fish meats is an essential component of cells membranes whose role is to absorb essential nutrients and expel unnecessary waste products.Omega 3 has other benefits like lowering the triglyceride levels,slowing the growth rate of atheroscleotic plaque (fat build up in the arteries),lowering blood pressure,as well decreasing the risk of abnormal heart beat which can lead to sudden death.Also Omega 3 increases the levels of high density lipoprotiens ( HDL ) also known as good cholesterol,which good cholesterol can protect from heart attacks.

Experts recommended to eat fatty fish at least twice a week or regularly to stay healthy our hearts.


Cancer disease today is one of the deadliest illness in the world that can kill millions of people every year and cancer cases continue to increase in coming years in the world because of the food we taken everyday we got so many kinds of disease.Why? because food that we taken everyday is no longer safe because those preservatives that put in the food that which had side effect in our body and causes cancer in no time.But still there some ways we can prevent or cure this deadly disease if we follow of eat some food that I will share to you which had some compound that can cure and prevent from getting cancer.


 Couple Dr. Willie and Liza Ong of the Philippines list down the 10 healthiest food in the world.Here the top 10 healthiest food of Dr. Ong.


Papaya contains lutien and zeaxanthin a substance which help protect our eyes from age-related blindness


Constipation is abnormal disorder of your digestive system or in stomach and can cause of not proper releasing of body waste,but there some ways to cure this kind of illness.Here some ways to cure constipation.

1. Drink lemon juice - drinking lemon juice or hot lemon juice one half hour before breakfast can relieve contipation.

2. Eating Papaya - Papaya is so easy to digest and the cause of fast relief of your constipation.


Mangosteen is really common fruit in the Philippines and in other tropical countries because it is delicious that can crave your hunger in a fruity taste appetite.

Mangosteen today is been studied by some experts to make it medicines that can cure various diseases like cancer.

Mangosteen is reach in antioxidants  and xanthones a rare compound that can kill cancer cells and prevent cancer from getting more worst and totally cure.

In many past years all over the world people drink Mangosteen juices because they believe that it can cure Parkinson's disease,fungal and viral ailments,aging and alzheimer's disease.

Actually there so many available products or medicines in the market today that made from Mangosteen fruit,they use this medicines to cure diseases such as cancer.


Papaya is not just using for beautification and make some beauty products by big companies or not just a simple dessert after meal but papaya has a very important use in our body by just eating papaya everyday you can gain some minerals and some benefits to your body and also protecting you from some illnesses and diseases.Here some benefits that papaya can do to your health and body or in some good ways.

* a ripe papaya or mashed or strained is a good foods for infants because papaya can easily digest by babies.

* papaya can cure constipation.

* papaya a a good source of vitamin C,a 2 tablespoon of papaya everyday can supply the daily needs of vitamin C of the babies or children below 6 years old.

* papaya is also a good source of pro-vitamin A

* A slice of papaya can supply a daily needs of vitamin C for adults.


Malunngay or Moringa is one of the healthiest vegetable in the world and it has so many nutrients that can help your body daily needs like vitamins and minerals.In some study malunggay is a very good source vitamin C.

They called malunggay as a poor man vegetables because this is so affordable vegetables and it can grow anywhere you plant it.

Others they called it a miracle vegetable,because it can cure malnutrition and a very good solution in anti malnutrition in some poor countries.In the Philippines they been adapting the uses of malunngay in their daily meal as a good source of body needed vitamins and minerals.

"According to the Biotechnology Program Office of the Department of Agriculture, the malunggay has been found by biochemists and molecular anthropologists to be rich in vitamins C and A, iron, and high-density lipoprotein or good cholesterol."

Malunggay also has a high  calcium content which found in milks.Doctors recommended that mother that breast feed their babies should take a lot of malunggay leaves as they produce healthy and nutritious milk.A grams of malunggay can convert to a glass of milk.

Malunngay vitamin C can is equivalent to seven oranges vitamin C.

Other studies have shown that eating malunggay fruits can lead to higher semen count.

Court stops graphic health warnings on cigarette packs - Nation - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

Score one for Fortune Tobacco Corp. and zero for the Department of Health (DOH).

A Marikina City court has ruled in favor of the Lucio Tan-led company — which is headquartered in the same city — disallowing the Department of Health (DOH) from implementing for now an order requiring tobacco firms to place graphic warnings on their product packages.

Court stops graphic health warnings on cigarette packs - Nation - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

Brazil official urges more sex for better health - Odds and Ends - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

RIO DE JANEIRO – Brazil's health minister has a remedy for the nation's high-blood- pressure problem: More sex.

Minister Jose Temporao says adults should be exercising more to help keep their blood pressure down — and he says a good cardiovascular workout includes sex, "always with protection, obviously."

Brazil official urges more sex for better health - Odds and Ends - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

WHO now says volcano ash cloud no health risk - World - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

GENEVA — The World Health Organization says the ash cloud over Europe poses no health risk beyond areas close to the volcano in Iceland.

Dr. Carlos Dora of WHO says air quality monitoring shows pollution from the ash cloud isn't arriving at ground level in most of Europe.

The message was in stark contrast to WHO's warning last week that Europeans should stay indoors if ash from the volcano starts settling because of potential dangers related to inhalation.

WHO now says volcano ash cloud no health risk - World - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News


Starting a day eat a healthy breakfast as first meal should not be missed for it is the important meal of the day.Breakfast is short for break from fast the body fasting when person asleep.The fast ends when person wakes up and eats food.Since the body don't eat when you asleep it is important to replenish the body by eating healthy foods and energy giving foods to be able to function properly throughout the day.

There is no time to slack,start the day moving,work the things that you should done that day.Because slacking can may cause weight problems due to lack of physical  activity.

Eat small snacks.The body needs the recharge after hours without food.Small snacks will help the body regain energy.Skipping snacks will result to a hungrier stomach.

Exercise is the important factor to keep the body healthy.Regular exercises will help the body burn extra calories and gain strength.

Eat a balance food.The body needs a variety of food to be able to achieve the body's required daily energy intake.Eat more grains,fruits and vegetables.

Ready to adopt lifestyle change.Learn to eat slowly.Chewing foods properly and slowly result to easy digestion.Exercise while watching television and find other ways to deal with emotions and stress.Overeating is not always the solution to emotional breakdowns.


When the world starting to change so many unbelievable phenomena and questionable happenings in the world.The newest diseases has been discovered because of those changes the food we take is no more natural than before and the effects is diseases that cannot be cure by anyone.Cancer is the number one,a killer disease that can kill person in a short time if not threaten immediately.But there some still foods that safe and can prevent you from getting the cancer.Here some foods that prevent and fight cancer.

GUYABANO                                                       PAPAYA
SWEET POTATO                                               AVOCADO
ASPARAGUS                                                     GUAVA

This fruits and vegetable has an agents or vitamins that can kill cancer cells and prevent from getting the disease.


In this time there no more safe food to it and no more healthiest food you can by in grocery store because all food is been process to preserve and adding some substance could make your health may have risk and can get diseases in no time.But there still some healthiest food you can buy.i have the top 10 list of the most healthiest food in the world.

The green and leafy vegetables-Green and leafy vegetables is the most natural foods in the world.Which it contains with so many vitamins and minerals.Like lettuce,spinach and other leafy green vegetables.

Oily fishes-Fishes has rich in omega 3 fatty acids a type of fats that makes your blood less likely to form clots.Some fish like sardines and salmons.

Tomatoes-Eating tomatoes like raw tomatoes can reduce the chances of having heart disease,prostate cancer and other cancers.

Citrus fruits-Citrus fruits is rich in Vitamin C.

Carrots- Carrots is reach in vitamin A who help in your vision and immune system.

Bananas- bananas is reach in potassium,vitamin B6 and folic acids.

Milk- Rich in carbohydrates,proteins and fats all in one.

Garlic- It can reduce cholesterol level and make blood less sticky.

Apple- Apples is reach in pectin,which is a soluble fiber that can lower blood cholesterol and sugar level.

Water- Water is life,if no water there is no life.A lack on water intake can cause a kidney stones,infections,migraine and constipation.Doctors recommend to drink water 8-12 glasses a day.


In your daily meals did you eat fruits?If not now you should do it daily and make it a daily habit because studies show that eating fruits daily can detoxify your body those toxins that builds in your body and toxins are caused by unhealthy food.So if you it so much unhealthy foods such as junk foods and other food processing product now you should be alarm and aware of what they really cause to our body.Toxin that build ups to our body can cause cancer,diabetes and heart disease.By just eating food daily in every meal or twice a day can battle the causes of that diseases.

Studies shows that fruits are contains of antioxidants which help in fighting cancer,diabetes and heart disease.Fruits such as orange,lemon,tomato,and pineapple promote detoxification of the body.Fruits also contains carbohydrates which are easily digested by the body and it doesn't only provide quick source of energy but it is also lessen the load on the heart.The heart pumps blood to the stomach to digest food so the easier it is to digest the lesser blood the heart needs to pump.

Fruits with vitamin C aid in the absorption of iron,prevention of scurvy and the formation of the bone,teeth,skin and tissues.
Fruits with rich in potassium and sodium can replenish water in the body and can increase urination which person urinates the toxins in our body are flushed.

Watermelon,honeydew,strawberry,pineapple,papaya,mangoes and grapes are rich in vitamin B and C.
Constipation can cure by eating pineapple which rich in fiber.
Diarrhea can cure by eating banana and apple.

Eating fruits everyday can prevent as from getting so many kind of disease that can bother to us when we getting old,stay healthy and keep away from diseases.


Many people think that snacks or small meals could result in extra fats in our body,but according to Food and Nutrition Research institute Department or FNRI of the Department of Science and Technology Philippines that with moderation and the right ,gaining weight would not be much concern when a person eat snacks.DOST said that our body is like a car that's need fuel to concentrate and function at your best so we need to eat snacks.The person who eat not to much snacks will not have a bigger chance to gain weight but those eat big meals in their meals have a bigger chance to gain weight because they are immune in eating big meals than those small meals only need small foods because they don't become more hunger.

Eating small snacks also reduces the s load,because if we eat more foods our heart and intestine need more extra blood to pumped to digest the food we eaten.So the bigger the meal the more blood pump.

The heart burn disease could the avoided also by eating small snacks meals.Heartburn is a painful burning feeling in the chest or throat.Stomach acids backs up into the esophagus and causes heartburn.Heart burn can damage your esophagus if not treated.So by eating small snack meals can prevent from getting heartburn and eating big meals is the bigger tendencies to get heartburn disease because it can produce more stomach acids in the  chest.

People must eat healthy food choice and avoid junk foods.Eating vegetables,fruits and drinking milk are some healthy food choices that you should daily to meet energy requirement.


Department of science and technology of the Philippines recently announced a latest solution to fight against diabetes,a condition which a person had a high blood sugar  that cause by not enough produce of insulin in the body.Eating corn can help to prevent from diabetes and can cure this kind deceases.

The Miracle Guyabano Fruit

For years about study of so many scientist to find cure for cancer diseases.And in some studies they found out that guyabano fruit or sour sop juices can cure or can prevent people from getting the disease.For just maintaining it,regularly drinking and eating guyabano fruit you can avoid the cancer.However this is not so effective if we cannot avoid those foods that are not good from our health,we can still get the cancer sooner or later but the saying prevention is better than cure is still the word to follow let us take care our health where in the midst of time which there such no food you can call safe to it because of the technologies and changes of the world.Let say eating can foods is not really safe if we eat it regularly or eating vegetables but uses fertilizers that not good our health.It is the truth after all.Lets maintain a healthy diet today.



Smoking is one of mens do for a past time,even girls do that.But did you what's the effect of smoking in our body?It's very serious to say that smoking can kill you in so many ways,sometimes it gives you illness like cancer that can kill you.Some cancers like cancer in the tongue that can cause to death and a long term of suffering to the person who get this disease.

fries alert

Studies confirmed that fries is containing harmful substance that is form during cooking.The substance called acrylamide,a substance that are suspected a cancer forming substance that formed buy induced reaction between sugar and amino acids called asparagine.This chemical reaction is responsible for the brown color and tasty flavor or baked,fried and toasted foods.This substance is associated with the brain,lung,gastrointestinal cancers.
This news will surely Mom’s worry about.Let’s avoid eating fries today,let’s keep cancer free.